Renewable energy generation will play a big role in the future of the utility industry. We Energies is committed to using renewable energy in our own power generation and provides ways for you to take part, as well.
Energy for Tomorrow renewable energy program
You can buy all or part of your energy from renewable resources.
Customer-owned generation
Connecting the solar, wind, microturbine or fuel cell at your home or business to our distribution system.
Information on renewable energy programs and incentives is available from Wisconsin Focus on Energy
or by calling 800-762-7077. Customers installing and interconnecting renewable energy electric generation must comply with Wisconsin
Administrative Code Rules, Chapter PSC 119. Information on customer interconnection requirements can be obtained
online or by calling us at 800-714-7777 ext. 7700.
We Energies power generation facilities
In addition to electric and natural gas generation, We Energies uses wind, solar, biomass and hydroelectric dams to produce energy for your homes and businesses.
Generation facilities