
We require a deposit if you are a commercial customer who does not have a credit history with our company. You can choose a cash or noncash deposit.

Cash deposit

All deposits are based on the two highest consecutive bills at the premise for the past 12 months.

We will refund your deposit with interest at a rate determined by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin after your deposit is paid in full and you make 24 consecutive, on-time payments.

Deposit refunds are automatically applied to the account unless you request to have it mailed to you.

Noncash options

Utility Surety Bond

Your insurance company, the issuer of a Utility Surety Bond, assumes liability for paying the deposit or any arrears up to the amount of the deposit if you default on your utility bill. A Utility Surety Bond should be for two years and in the same amount as the cash deposit request. We review your account periodically for timely payments. If payments are not on time, we will send a letter to your insurance company to request payment. For more information, contact your insurance company. A Utility Surety Bond cannot be changed without agreement from you, your insurance company and We Energies.

Irrevocable Letter of Credit

Your bank, the issuer of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, assumes liability for paying the deposit or any arrears up to the amount of the deposit if you default on your utility bill. An Irrevocable Letter of Credit is issued for one year and in the same amount as cash deposit request. It must be renewed before it expires at the end of the first year, for a second one year term. We review your account periodically for timely payments. If payments are not on time, we will send a letter to your bank to request payment. For more information, contact your bank. An Irrevocable Letter of Credit cannot be changed without agreement from you, your bank and We Energies.