electric vehicle charging

Business EV charger pilot program


Our electric vehicle (EV) charger pilot program can help your business offset the upfront costs associated with installing EV charging stations for your fleet, employee, customer or public use at your facility.

The program offers credits to help pay for customer costs of utility upgrades as well as provides possible rebates for customer facility electrical work.

Eligibility requirements

  • Customer needs to apply for the pilot program and start working with the EV team prior to equipment installation.
  • Customer commits to installing a minimum of four ports or 50kW of new Level 2 or DC fast chargers. An additional electric meter to measure charging electric use is required.
  • Customer must be on one of the following rates:
    • Cg1, Cg 2, Cg 3, Cg 3S, Cg3C, Cg 6, Cp1, Cp FN, Cp 3, Cp 3S, CP 4
  • Business must be located in Wisconsin and receive service from We Energies.
  • Customer must be in good standing, i.e. cannot have any delinquent electric bills or disconnections in the past twelve months.

Business EV application

Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program applicants

Wisconsin Department of Transportation is accepting applications for the Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (WEVI) Program. Refer to the WEVI website for details on how utility programs work within the WEVI structure. Requests for cost estimates needed for the utility coordination form may take 2-3 weeks to complete.

Questions and answers

What if I already have EV charging equipment?

Any existing charging equipment does not qualify. If you want to add charging equipment, start your application for the pilot program. Our team will work with you for the best enrollment experience.

Does this program set up a new, EV-specific rate for commercial customers?

No. You continue to pay for electricity through our existing electric rates. Depending upon the usage of the EV charging equipment, you may qualify for a different electric rate in the future. If your EV charging is installed as a part of a new service, the new service may have a different electric rate than what the rest of your business uses.

How is the amount of my allowance calculated?

We will work with you to determine the amount. It is based on your electric rate, the amount of charging you are committing to install and the specifics of the utility work required for your project. Pilot participant utility cost estimates will include a 20% cushion included in the estimate, which will be reconciled with actual costs once utility work is completed.

Do you offer rebates for purchasing electric vehicles?

No. This pilot program assists customers with costs associated with installing EV charging equipment. Check these resources for available electric vehicle incentives: www.goelectricdrive.org and https://wicleancities.org/news-events/pres-releases/.

Do you offer rebates to help pay for the chargers?

No. Our program is designed to assist business customers with the costs for utility upgrades and customer electrical work. Customers have the option to source their chargers through the utility if needed. Customers who use EV chargers through our program may prepay for the chargers and installation or bundle the costs over time.

