Meter installation guidelines

Electric meters

  • The National Electric Safety Code requires an unobstructed working space that extends from the floor or ground to a minimum height of 6 feet, 6 inches. For electrical equipment mounted higher than 6 feet, 6 inches, this space shall extend to the top of the equipment.
  • For underground service laterals, the centerline of all meters shall be between 3 and 6 feet from the finished grade.
  • For overhead service drops, the centerline of all meters shall be between 4 and 6 feet from the finished grade.
  • There shall be a minimum distance of 3 feet of unobstructed working space, measured from the meter face, in front of all electric and natural gas meters.
  • We require a 3-foot minimum separation between natural gas and electric facilities.
  • The preferred termination of service laterals is on the outside of a building.
  • Only approved meter-mounting devices and termination equipment are to be used.
  • Meter locations shall be free from excessive moisture, vibrations and heat.

electric meter underground service

electric meter overhead service

Natural gas meters

  • The National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54), manufacturer guidelines, and industry best practices require certain clearances be maintained from the natural gas meter assembly to sources of ignition, air intakes, windows/doors, structures, etc.
  • We prefer a 10-foot clearance from the natural gas meter assembly in the cases of sources of ignition and air intakes, including doors and windows.
  • If a 10-foot clearance is not practical, a 3-foot clearance is the minimum distance that must be maintained.
  • Windows that cannot be opened are exempt from clearance requirements.
  • The assembly shall not be located directly below exhaust vents that may produce condensation that can drip on to the meter assembly.
  • In unique situations where these requirements cannot be met, your service representative will discuss options with you.

natural gas meter