Downed power line?
Stay 25 feet away and call:

Outage map

  • ...
    Customers out
    of service
  • ...
  • Total customers served 1.1 million

Updated:     Updates every 10 minutes

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Estimated restoration times marked with an asterisk (*) are based on an entire area. More accurate estimate are made after a crew arrives to evaluate specific situations.
The outage map may show that we are reassessing because an outage requires specialized crews and equipment. Once the necessary resources are on site a new estimated restoration will display.

General outage information

We Energies Disclaimer: The outage data posted on this website is based on estimates and projections, and no representation is made that the posted materials are comprehensive or free from error. Particularly in emergency outage situations, the data available may be limited, delayed or not totally accurate — as circumstances are constantly changing; for example, outages may continue to be displayed even though customer restorations are occurring. Individual customer restoration times are always subject to a number of individual variables that cannot be factored into the general estimates provided. During emergency or "storm mode" conditions, data may be listed as "unavailable." Although We Energies will use its reasonable efforts to post the best data that is readily available, We Energies has no responsibility or liability for any error, omission or delay in connection with any data posted. Specifically, We Energies makes no representation that any data posted is suitable for any particular purpose or use. Use of this website is permitted subject to the above disclaimers.